Achievements and Milestones

Research Publications

Session 2021-2022

  1. Seema, Al(III) Selective PVC Membrane Electrode based on a Macrocycle, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, 2021. XCII-LIII, 70-74.
  2. Seema, New Hexaaza Macrocyclic Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and their Antimicrobial Activities, WHJJ, 2021, 17(7), 259-269.
  3. Rawat Shalini. A Comparative Account of Improvising Degraded Soil Health: From Organic Agriculture Perspective International Journal of Life Sciences (ISSN: 2277-193x) CIF: 5.411; SJIF: 6.431 Vol. 10. No.4. 2021, 10.13140/RG.2.2.13554.89281
  4. Arun Kumar Agarwal, Usha Devi and S.K.Kuriyal: Traditional Phytotherapy used by Bhutia community of Uttarkashi District of Uttarakhand for Dermatological disorders. Indian J. of Applied Research 11(7):1-6(2021)
  5. Pratibha Baluni, Suniti Kumar Kuriyal and Kusum Dobriyal : Traditional uses of Wild Medicinal Plants by the Folklore of Garhwal Himalaya : A Case study from Jaiharikhalblock in Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. J. Mountain Res. 16(1) 137-142 (2021)
  6. संगीतामिश्रा, श्रीभगवद्गीतामेंवर्णितकर्मयोग, संस्कृतरत्नाकर:,अखिलभारतीयसंस्कृतसाहित्यसम्मेलन, संस्कृतभवन, नईदिल्ली, पृष्ठ-9-12, 2021, ISSN-2395-3055.
  7. Preet Pal singh and Dipa Sharma, “The implication of mathematics in the field of engineering” in GLIMPSES , vol.10,no.2, June 2021, ISSN-2250-0561.
  8. Preet pal singh and Dipa Sharma, “state observation for a dynamical model of human thyroid” in scientific research journal of engineering and computer science, ISSN-2788-9394,VOL-1,issue-1,june-july-2021
  9. DipaSharma,Ahmadpervez and preet pal singh, “physiology of thyroid hormones and the associated modelling: a review” in scientific research journal of multidisciplinary ,ISSN-2788-9459,VOL-1,issue-2,aug-sep-2021.
  10. Nutan kumari Chauhan, Isha Tyagi, Harendra Kumar, Dipa Sharma, “Task scheduling through hybrid genetic algorithm in real-time system on heterogeneous environment” in SN Computer science on November 2021,
  11. Mukti Nath Yadav, Uttarakhand keAbhishapt Aur UpekshitVarg ki Gatha- Kagar Ki Aag: 2021, ShodhDisha ISSN- 0975-735X, Vol 54, pp327-331.
  12. Multi Nath Yadav, Hindi MahilaUpanyason Men TanavpurnDampatyaTathaVivahetarSambandhon Ki Anugoonj, 2021, ShodhDisha ISSN- 0975-735X, Vol 55, pp 97-102.
  13. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, On existence of fixed points and applications to a boundary value problem and a Matrix equation in C∗−Algebra Valued Partial Metric Spaces, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math., 14, 2 (2022) 341-355.
  14. Sudheer Petwal, Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, On unique and non-unique fixed point in parametric Nb−metric spaces with application, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math. 14(2), 2022, 278 - 307.
  15. Santosh Kumar, Anita Tomar, Gopi Prasad, On solution of nonlinear integral and fractional differential equations via discontinuous nonlinear contractions, J. Math., 2022, Article ID 7257000, 11 pages, 2022.
  16. Anita Tomar, Swati Antal, Darshana J. Prajapati, Parveen Agarwal, Mandelbrot fractals using fixed-point technique of sine function, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 48(Special Issue) 2022,194–214. .
  17. Said Beloul, Anita Tomar, and Meena Joshi, On solutions to open problems and Volterra-Hammerstein non-linear integral equation, Applied Math. E-Notes,22, 2022. 692-711.
  18. Darshana J. Prajapati, Shivam Rawat, Anita Tomar, R.C. Dimri, Mohammad Sajid, A brief study of dynamics of Julia sets for entire transcendental function using Mann iterative scheme, Fractals and Fract. 6(7):397, 2022.
  19. Nihal O ̈zgu ̈r, Swati Antal, Anita Tomar, Julia and Mandelbrot sets of transcendental function via Fibonacci-Mann iteration, J. Funct. Spaces, 2022, Article ID 2592573, 13 pages.
  20. Anita Tomar, Darshana J. Prajapati, Swati Antal, Shivam Rawat, Variants of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals for higher-order complex polynomials, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 2022;1-13.
  21. Swati Antal, Anita Tomar, Darshana J. Prajapati, Mohammad Sajid, Variants of Julia and Mandelbrot sets as fractals via Jungck-Ishikawa fixed point iteration system with s-convexity, AIMS Math., 7(6) 2022, 10939–10957.
  22. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi and Sanjay Kumar Padaliya, Relation theoretic contractions and its applications in b−metric like spaces, Appl. Anal., 28(2), 295-309, 2022.
  23. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, Near fixed point, near fixed interval circle and their equivalence classes in a b−interval metric space, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13(1) (2022).
  24. Ansari, Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, A survey of C−class and pair upper class functions in fixed point theory, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl., 13 (2022) 1, 1879-1896.
  25. Swati Antal, Anita Tomar, U. C. Gairola, Relation theoretic results via simulation function with applications, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13 (2022) 1, 1769-1783.
  26. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi and Sanjay Kumar Padaliya, Fixed point to fixed circle and activation function in partial metric space, J. Appl. Anal. 28 (1), 57-66, 2022. Article number: 000010151520212057.
  27. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi and Venkatesh Bhatt, Fixed point and a Cantilever Beam problem in a partial b-metric Space, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math. 13, 2 (2021) 506–518.
  28. Swati Antal, Anita Tomar and Darshana J. Prajapati, Mohammad Sajid , Fractals as Julia sets of complex sine function via fixed point iterations, Fractal and Fractional, 5(4), 272, 2021.
  29. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, Results in strongly minihedral cone and scalar weighted cone metric spaces and applications, Ann. Math. Sil. ,35(2), 2021, 302-318.
  30. Meena Joshi and Anita Tomar, A., On unique and nonunique fixed points in metric spaces and application to chemical sciences, J. Funct. Spaces, 2021, Article ID5525472, 11pages.
  31. Deepak Kumar, Anita Tomar, Sumit Chandok, and Ritu Sharma, Almost α-F-contraction, fixed points and applications, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl., 12(2), 2021, 375-386.
  32. Ansari, Anita Tomar, C-class and pair upper class functions and other kind of contractions in fixed point theory, Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar Ser. A: Appl. Math. Inform. and Mech. 13(1) (2021), 43-60.
  33. Manish Jain, Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, and Kenan Tas, Ordered generalized φ−contraction in ordered fuzzy metric spaces with an application in dynamic programming, J. Math. Control Sci. Appls., 7(1) 2021, 57–68.
  34. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, Hossam A Nabwey, and Reny George, On unique and nonunique fixed points and fixed circles in Mbv−metric space and application to cantilever beam problem, J. Funct. Spaces 2021, Art. ID 6681044, 15 pages, 2021.
  35. Said Beloul, Anita Tomar, Ritu Sharma, Weak subsequential continuity in fuzzy metric space and application, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 12(2) (2021) , 1485-1486.
  36. Sudheer Petwal, Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, Fixed point on complete m-metric spaces via f (ψ, φ)- contraction mappings and application to periodic differential equation, Azerbaijan J. Math., Spec. Iss., 2021, 29-48.
  37. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar and Sanjay Kumar Padaliya, Fixed point to fixed ellipse in metric spaces and discontinuous activation function, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 21(2021), 225-237.
  38. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, Amar Deep, Fixed points and its applications in C∗−algebra valued partial metric space, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math., 11(2) 2021, 329-340.
  39. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, Relation-theoretic nonlinear contractions in an F-metric space and applications, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II, 70(2) 2021, 835–852.
  40. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, Note on results in C∗−algebra-valued metric spaces, Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 9(2) 2021, 262-264.
  41. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, Dhananjay Kumar, Fermat's Contribution in Mathematics, Chapter in a book, Understanding Values and Ethics in Shrinking World, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., March 2022,60-72. ISBN 978-93-54358-94-4.
  42. Anita Tomar and M.C. Joshi, “Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem”, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA.2021. (indexed in Scopus). ISBN 978-1- 53619-336-7.
  43. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar and S. K. Padaliya, On geometric properties of non-unique fixed points in b−metric spaces, Chapter in a book, Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2021, 33-50. (indexed in Scopus) ISBN 978-1-53619-336-7.
  44. Anita Tomar and Meena Joshi, Near fixed point, near fixed interval circle and near fixed interval disc in metric interval space, Chapter in a book, Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA,2021, 131-150. (indexed in Scopus) ISBN 978-1-53619-336-7.
  45. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, Venkatesh Bhatt and Giniswamy, Applications of generalized α−C ́iric ́ and α−Browder contractions in Partial Metric Spaces, Chapter in a book, Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA,2021,151-170.(indexed in Scopus) ISBN 978-1- 53619-336-7.
  46. Shivangi Upadhyay, Anita Tomar, Ritu Sharma and Meena Joshi, Existence of common fixed point in quasi-partial metric with applications, Chapter in a book, Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2021, 185-216. (indexed in Scopus) ISBN 978-1-53619- 336-7.
  47. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar and S. K. Padaliya, Fixed point to fixed disc and application in partial metric spaces, Chapter in a book, Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA,2021, 391-406. (indexed in Scopus) ISBN 978-1-53619-336-7.
  48. K. P. Chaudhary, उत्तराखंडमेंराजस्वपुलिसव्यवस्थाकीप्रासंगिकता, Vidyawarta, 2319-9318, 2022.
  49. K. P. Chaudhary, Patwari Policing in Uttarakhand: A Study of Continuity and Change, Navjyot, 2277-8063, 2021.
  50. K. P. Chaudhary, The State of Uttarakhand, Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9-3, 2021.
  51. K. P. Chaudhary, Out-Migration and Ghost Villages: A Case Study of Uttarakhand, Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9-3, 2021.
  52. K. P. Chaudhary, Post-73rd Amendment Scenario and Problems and Prospects of Panchayati Raj in Uttarakhand Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9-3, 2021.
  53. K. P. Chaudhary, From Raj to Swaraj: Changing Contours of Patwari Policing in Uttarakhand, Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9, 2021.
  54. K. P. Chaudhary, Disaster Management in Uttarakhand: Issues and Challenges, Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9-3, 2021.
  55. K. P. Chaudhary, Good Governance for Digital Policies: How to Get the Most out of ICT in Uttarakhand, Socio-Political Change as Continuity in Uttarakhand: Critical Reflections, 978-81-945995-9-3, 2021.
  56. Meena Kafaltiya *, Hema Lohani , Ujjwal Bhandari , S. Zafar Haider , Nirpendra Chauhan , Tripti Malik Ahuja , Shailja Pant and Neeta Joshi. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential of the Essential Oils from Aerial Parts of Tagetes patula L. at Different Phenological Stages; JEOR J. Essential Oil Bearing Plants 2022, 25 DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2022.2086827.
  57. Arun Kumar Agarwal, Usha Devi and S.K.Kuriyal: Traditional Phytotherapy used by Bhutia community of Uttarkashi District of Uttarakhand for Dermatological disorders. Indian J. of Applied Research 11(7):1-6(2021)
  58. Pratibha Baluni, Suniti Kumar Kuriyal and Kusum Dobriyal : Traditional uses of Wild Medicinal Plants by the Folklore of Garhwal Himalaya : A Case study from Jaiharikhalblock in Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. J. Mountain Res. 16(1) 137-142 (2021)
  59. Rawat Shalini. A Comparative Account of Improvising Degraded Soil Health: From OrganicAgriculture Perspective International Journal of Life Sciences (ISSN: 2277-193x) CIF: 5.411; SJIF: 6.431 Vol. 10. No.4. 2021. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13554.89281

Session 2022-2023

  1. Vibha Kumar, Lanthanide complexes derived from tetradentate macrocyclic ligand: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol.1, 44-48, 2023.
  2. Vibha Kumar, Chapter on “Various Types of Environmental pollution Pollution”, in the Book Ramifications of Environmental Change on Human Health, ISBN: 978-93-94424-90-6, pg- 74-88, 2023.
  3. Tripathy, A. B. & Swain, B. C. (2022). Resource Management: Sources, Management and Utilization. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R. (Eds.), Educational Management (pp.105-144). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  4. Tripathy, A. B. & Mishra, S. (2022). Social Media and its Impact on Present Day Youth: Pros and Cons. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R. (Eds.), Social Media, Usage and Impact (pp.227-234). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  5. Tripathy, A. B. & Mishra, S. (2022). Teaching and Learning Through Online Mode During Covid- 19 Pandemic: Opportunities and Challenges. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning During Covid- 19 Pandemic (pp. 170-178). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  6. Tripathy, A. B. & Mishra, S. (2022). Continuing Professional Development of Teachers for Better Teaching Practices. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R. (Eds.), Teacher Education in 21st Century (pp.113-119). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  7. Gaurav Varshney, Advancement in Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems: A Review, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 12 (7), 62-81, 2023
  8. Gaurav Varshney and T. K. Gupta, A Study of Mathematical Models Applicable in Chemical Sciences, European Chemical Bulletin 12 (Special Issue 8), 1133-1143, 2023.
  9. Gaurav Varshney and A. P. Singh, A Theoretical Study of Modelling and Simulation in Mathematical Sociology: Future Directions and Challenges, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis 6 (6), 2299-2304, 2023.
  10. Seema, Lanthanide Complexes derived from Tetradentate Macrocyclic Ligand: Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1), 2023, 44-48.
  11. Seema, A Review on World’s Potential Anti-malarial Plants and their Phytochemicals, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1), 2023, 116-123.
  12. Seema, A Study of Mathematical Models Applicable in Chemical Sciences, Euro. Chem. Bulletin, 2023, Vol 12(S-8), 1133-1143.
  13. Analysis of Plastic Waste Management Strategies and Environment impact in Smart Cities.
  14. Kedar Singh, Temporal Landslide Hazard Asssment in Alaknanda valley” 2023 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) , ISSN 2229-5518.
  15. Rashmi Kala and V. D. Pandey (2023) Lithophytic cyanobacteria on Indian stone temples and monuments. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 12(8): 177-187. ISSN: 2319-7692 (Print), e-ISSN: 2319-7706.
  16. Dobhal, A. and Rawat Shalini. Vegetation Analysis of Tree layer of Temperate Himalayan forest: A Case Study of Kotdwara-Ranichauri, Chamba Block, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India ,International Journal of Environmental Sciences , Vol 12 Issue 2 ,June 2023 .pp 17-23 . ISSN :2277-1948, CIF 3.64 DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.13616.12808
  17. Rawat Shalini, Impact of Quality Monitoring Mechanism at Elementary Level Schools: A case study Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences-(RJPSSs) Vol. XLVIII, Dec 2022. ISSN :( P) 0048- 7325 (e) 2454-7026
  18. Sharma G. and Rawat Shalini. A Comparative Account of Tree Diversity By Phytosociological Method in Badshahithaul Forest Of Chamba Block Of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. Voyager, Vol XIII, December 2022. ISSN :( P) 0976-7436- (e) 2454-054X, impact facter 8.419(SJIF)
  19. Rakesh Kumar Joshi and Suniti Kumar Kuriyal: Dying of wood fibers with some natural dyes and environmental impact. Environmental and human health: Global issues editors Prof Mukesh Kumar and Dr.Vipin Kumar. ABC books Delhi.2023.
  20. RK Joshi and. S.K. Kuriyal: Ethno medicinal plants used by the traditional healers (Vaidyas) in Pirder Valley, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Global values Vol. XIV 317-343. (2023).
  21. RK Joshi and S.K. Kuriyal: Drying Textiles with eco-friendly natural dyes: A brief review. Intrachemical Journal of Global Sciences Research Vol. 10(1) 2052- 2060.(2023).
  22. Sangeeta Mishra, प्राचीन भारत में नारी शिक्षा- एक अनुशीलन,, अनुसंधित्सा, 80-83, 2023.
  23. Sangeeta Mishra, महात्मागांधीकीधर्मसम्बंधीअवधारणा, Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 83-86, 2023
  24. Sangeeta Mishra, महाकाव्यकालमेंवास्तुकला, संस्कृत रत्नाकर:,अखिल भारतीय संस्कृत साहित्य सम्मेलन, 3-6, 2023, ISSN 2395-3055
  25. Sangeeta Mishra, वर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य में श्री रामचरित मानस की प्रासंगिकता, जयराम संदेश, श्री जयराम आश्रम, 6-8, 2023, ISSN-0975-8739
  • Sangeeta Mishra, आधुनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में डॉ बी० आर० आम्बेडकर के विचारों की प्रासंगिकता, Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Akshara Publication, 102-105, 2023, E-ISSN 2582-542
  1. Ajendra Kumar, Preet Pal singh, Dipa Sharma, Pawan Joshi, “To solve multi-class pattern classification problems by grid neural network” in International journal of computing science and mathematics, ISSN-1752-5055(Print) 1752-5063(online) Vol 15, no2, 2022
  2. Ajay Kumar, Ajendra Kumar, and Dipa Sharma, “Graceful labelling of closed caterpillars” in journal of mathematics control science&applications,vol.8no.2,ISSN-0974-0570(july-december)2022.
  3. Mukti Nath Yadav, ‘KavyaBhashake Bare men Tulasidas ki Manyatayen’, 2022, ShodhDisha ISSN- 0975-735X, Vol 58, pp 180-183.
  4. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, Thabet Abdeljawad, On Fixed Point, its geometry and application to satellite web coupling problem in S−Metric Spaces, AIMS Math., 8(2), 2023, 4407-4441. https://
  5. Sudheer Petwal, Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, Best proximant for set-valued maps via proximal relations, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl., 14 (1) 2023, 1237–1247.
  6. Saurabh Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Padaliya and Anita Tomar, Fractals as Julia and Mandelbrot Sets of Logarithmic Function using Dogan and Karakaya (Dk) Iterative Scheme, Annals of Science and Allied Research, 1 (2023): 129-140.
  7. Nihal Tas, Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, On existence and applications of non-unique fixed points via interpolative type contractive conditions, 30 (4), 2023,Nonlinear Studies (NS), 1263-1279.
  8. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, Single-valued and set-valued dualistic partial F-weak contraction and applications, 30 (4), 2023, Nonlinear Studies (NS),1329-1345.
  9. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, Izhar Uddin, Fixed point in Mbv −Metric space and applications, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math. 15 (2), 2023, 272–287.
  10. Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, S. K. Padaliya, On relation-theoretic F−Contractions and applications in F−Metric space, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math. 15(2), 2023 314-336.
  11. Anita Tomar, Nihal Tas, and Meena Joshi, On interpolative type non-unique fixed points, their geometry and applications on S-metric spaces, Applied Math. E-Notes., 23, 2023, 243-249.
  12. Anita Tomar, Deepak Kumar, and Ritu Sharma, Meena Joshi, Results via Partial-b Metric and solution of a pair of elliptic boundary value problem, SahandCommun. Math. Anal., 2023, 20(04), 205-223.
  13. Meena Joshi, Shivangi Upadhyay, Anita Tomar, Mohammad Sajid, Geometry and application in economics of fixed point, Symmetry, 2023, 15(03),704,19 pages.
  14. Amit Gangwar, Anita Tomar, Mohammad Sajid , Ramesh Chandra Dimri, Common fixed points and convergence results for α-Krasnosel'skii mappings, AIMS Math., 8(4) 2023, 9911–9923.
  15. Anita Tomar, Vipul Kumar, U. S. Rana, Mohammad Sajid, Fractals as Julia and Mandelbrot sets of complex cosine functions via fixed point iterations, Symmetry, 2023, 15, 478.
  16. Shivangi Upadhyay, Meenakshi Rana & Anita Tomar, Contribution of Aryabhat in Ancient Mathematics, Chapter in proceedings of the National Conference of Mathematics and its Application in Science Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Nainital, December 22-23, 2022, Pacific Books International, ISBN 978-93-92469-16-9.
  17. K. P. Chaudhary, मानवेन्द्रनाथराय, भारतीयराजनीतिकचिन्तन, 978-93-90845-35-4, 2022.
  18. K. P. Chaudhary, जयप्रकाशनारायण, भारतीयराजनीतिकचिन्तन, 978-93-90845-35-4, 2022.
  19. K. P. Chaudhary, पंचायतीराजसंस्थाओंकावित्तीयप्रशासन, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  20. K. P. Chaudhary, ग्रामीणस्थानीयशासनकाप्रशासनिकढांचा, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  21. K. P. Chaudhary, पंचायतीराजसंस्थाओंपरराज्यकानियंत्रण, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  22. K. P. Chaudhary, नगरीयसंस्थाओंपरराज्यकानियंत्रण, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  23. K. P. Chaudhary, नगरीयशासनकेआयकेसाधन, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  24. K. P. Chaudhary, नगरीयप्रशासनिकढांचाभारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  25. K. P. Chaudhary, भारतमेंस्थानीयशासनकीप्रगतिकामूल्यांकनभारतमेंस्थानीयशासन, 978-93-90845-43-9, 2023.
  26. Meena Kafaltiya, Hema Lohani, S. Zafar Haider, Nirpendra Chauhan, Tripti Malik, Neeta Joshi & Shailja Pant T.; Pheno logical Stage Specific Variations in Chemical Compo-sition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of the Essential Oils of Aerial Parts of Monarda didyma L. Cultivated Under Doon Valley Climatic Conditions of Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 25:5, 1042-1053, DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2022.2152738
  27. Rakesh Kumar Joshi, Suniti Kumar Kuriyal, Neeta Joshi and Shanti Prakash Sati. Allelopathic effects of Cassia fistula L on germination and seedlings growth of Raphan ussativus L March 2024Allelopathy Journal 61(2):189-206: 61(2):189-206DOI:10.26651/allelo.j/2024-61-2-1479.
  28. Rashmi Kala and V. D. Pandey (2023) LithophyticcyanobacteriaonIndianstonetemplesandmonuments. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 12(8): 177-187.ISSN: 2319-7692 (Print), e-ISSN: 2319-7706.
  29. Rakesh Kumar Joshi and Suniti Kumar Kuriyal: Dying of wood fibers with some natural dyes and environmental impact. Environmental and human health: Global issues editors Prof Mukesh Kumar and Dr.Vipin Kumar. ABC books Delhi.2023.
  30. RK Joshi and. S.K. Kuriyal: Ethno medicinal plants used by the traditional healers (Vaidyas) in Pirder Valley, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Global values Vol. XIV 317-343. (2023).
  31. RK Joshi and S.K. Kuriyal: Drying Textiles with eco-friendly natural dyes: A brief review. Intrachemical Journal of Global Sciences Research Vol. 10(1) 2052- 2060.(2023).
  32. Dobhal, A. and Rawat Shalini. Vegetation Analysis of Tree layer of Temperate Himalayan forest: A Case Study of Kotdwara-Ranichauri, Chamba Block, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India ,International Journal of Environmental Sciences , Vol 12 Issue 2 ,June 2023 .pp 17-23 . ISSN :2277-1948, CIF 3.64 DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.13616.12808
  33. Rawat Shalini, Impact of Quality Monitoring Mechanism at Elementary Level Schools: A case study Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences-(RJPSSs) Vol. XLVIII, Dec 2022. ISSN :( P) 0048- 7325 (e) 2454-7026
  34. Sharma G. and Rawat Shalini. A Comparative Account of Tree Diversity By Phytosociological Method in Badshahithaul Forest Of Chamba Block Of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. Voyager, Vol XIII, December 2022. ISSN :( P) 0976-7436- (e) 2454-054X, impact facter 8.419(SJIF)

Session 2023-2024

  1. Srikrishna Nautiyal, Land Subsidence Causes and Consequences with Special Reference of Joshimath Town; International Journal of Research in Geography (IJRG) Volume 9, Issue 1, 2023, PP 1-10 ISSN 2454-8685 (Online) DOI:
  2. Vibha Kumar, Ground Water Quality Assessment in Industrial Area of Bhagwanpur Block, District Haridwar, Uttarakhand, Biochemical and cellular archives, 24(1), 2024.
  3. Vibha Kumar, Structural elucidation of ternary mixtures of L-valine/ glycyl-L-valine and water + 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide: Apparent molar properties at infinite dilution and expansivities, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024.
  4. Vibha Kumar, A Comprehensive Review of Potentiometric Biosensors, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 28, Issue 03, 2024
  5. Vibha Kumar, Computational studies on cage/non-cage structures of octacarborane dianion series, Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024
  6. Vibha Kumar, Analysis of quality parameters of groundwater using ion chromatography techniques near industrial areas in Utarakhand, Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024
  7. Tripathy, A. B. & Mishra, S. (2023). Role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R (Eds.), Education for Sustainable Development (pp.65-71). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  8. Tripathy, A. B. & Biswal, K. (2023). Ethical Issues and Educational Provisions for Mainstreaming Transgender Persons. In Swain, B. C. (Ed.), Social and Educational Issues of LGBTQ Community in India (pp.148-154). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  9. Tripathy, A. B. & Mishra, S. (2023). Education of Scheduled Tribes in India: Issues and Challenges. In Swain, B. C. & Das, R. (Eds.), Education of Scheduled Tribes (pp.109-118). Kunal Books, New Delhi.
  10. Seema, Impact of alpha-terthienyl phototoxicity on mustard aphid (Lipaphiserysimi) and pea aphid (Acyrothosiphonpisum), IJER, Sept 2024, 9(9), 62-66.
  11. Seema, Acid promoted dissociation kinetics of Mn(II) complex of macrocyclic tetraazacyclotetradeca ligand, IJRAR, Sept 2024, 11(3),314-318.
  12. Seema, Template synthesis and characterization of transition metal ion complexes derived from ethylene diamine and 2,6-diacetyl pyridine, IJRAR, Aug 2024, 11(3), 401-405.
  13. Seema, Computational Studies on Cage/Non-cage Structures of Octacarborane Dianion Series, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 2 (1), 2024, 1-9.
  14. Neha Bhatt, Impact of contaminated water on plants and animals: Utilizing, natural chemical coagulants for treating contaminated water, 2024, ES Energy & Environment.
  15. Neha Bhatt, Exploration of Chemical composition & biological activities of the essential oil from EhretiaAccuminata R. Br. fruit., 2024, Es food & Agroforestry.
  16. Neha Bhatt, The perils of heary metal contamination in ground water: Impacts on human bealth in the north eastern region of Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, 2024, ES Food and Agroforestry.
  17. Neha Bhatt, A silver catalyzed estimation of ortho-aminobenzyl alcohol based on its oxidation with potassium persulphate, 2024, Research J. Pharm. and Tech.
  18. P. Sati, Allelopathy effects of Cassia fistula L on germination and seeding growth of Raphanus sativus L, Allelopathy Journal 61(2) 189-206, March 2024.
  19. Suvarna Nautiyal, Uttarakhand: Study of Tourism Sector and its socio-economic impacts, Saidhantiki Journal, ISSN 0974-8504, Vol. 16 Issues 3 in July- September, 2023.
  20. Suvarna Nautiyal, Uttarakhand: List of problems and their social impact, Research Journal of multidisciplinary studies (RJMS)”, ISSN: 2395-4450, Vol.18, July-Dec 2023
  21. Suvarna Nautiyal and Prashant Kumar Singh, Social media in contemporary society: A sociological perspective, “Journal of academic research”, ISSN: 2395-1311, volume no.16, July to Dec 2023.
  22. Suvarna Nautiyal and Prashant Kumar Singh, Factors responsible for rising divorce cases in Indian Contemporary society, Saidhantiki Journal, ISSN: 0974-8504, Vol. 16 Issues 3 in July- September, 2023.
  23. Suvarna Nautiyal and Prashant Kumar Singh, Recent trend of alcohol consumption in Uttarakhand and its social impact, Matadarsh Journal, ISSN: 0974-9888, Vol. 15 Issues 4 in Oct-Dec, 2023.
  24. Prashant Kumar Singh, Identity and Belonging: Exploring Racism against North East Communities in the Indian Mainstream, Journal of academic research (JAR), ISSN 2395-1311 (online), July-December 2023.
  25. Prashant Kumar Singh, Breaking Chains: A Sociocultural Exploration of Masculinities and Altered Paternal Dynamics in Indian Patriaarchy, Matadarsh Journal, ISSN 0974-9888, October-December 2023.
  26. Rashmi Kala and V.D. Pandey (2023) Assessment of epilithic cyanobacterial colonization of ancient temples of Garhwal region, Uttarakhand, India. Plant Archives 23(2): 60-70; ISSN:0972-5210; e-ISSN:2581-6063.
  27. Rashmi Kala and V. D. Pandey (2023) Proline in epilithic cyanobacterial crusts from stone temples of Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. Biochemical and Cellular Archives 23 (2): 1209-1215.; ISSN: 0972-5075; e-ISSN: 0976-1772.
  28. Rashmi Kala and V.D. Pandey (2023). Cyanobacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances and their role in Biodeterioration of Temples and Monuments. Journal of Mountain Research. 18(2): 173-180; ISSN: 0974-3030, e-ISSN: 2582-5011.
  29. D. Pandey (2023) Influence of temperature on alkaline phosphatase activity in cyanobacteria (blue green algae). Annals of Science and Allied Research 1(1): 64-68.
  30. D. Pandey (2024). Cyanobacteria in environmental and agricultural sustainability. In: Climate Change Issues and Challenges (Eds. D.C. Goswami, Aruna P. Sutradhar and Anil Pal). Samaya Sakshya, Dehradun; ISBN: 978-81-19743-11-7.
  31. Dobhal A, Sharma D. and Rawat Shalini . Regeneration analysis of seedling and sapling ofBadshahithaul forest area of Chamba block (Near New Tehri Town) Tehri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) .International Journal of Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2277-1948) (SJIF: 6.043) Vol. 12. No.4. pp. 66-73, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23429.12003
  32. Rawat Shalini . Ethnobotanical study on some plants commonly used for the treatment of Skin diseases in Kotdwara- Bhabhar range of Uttarakhand, Voyager, Vol XIV, December 2023, pp 01-09. ISSN :( P) 0976-7436- (e) 2455-054X, impact factor 8.419 (SJIF),
  33. Rawat Shalini. Implementation of vocational / skill enhancement courses(SEC) in NEP 2020: A futuristic approach for employment generation in Uttarakhand , Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences (RJPSSs), Vol. XLIX No.2, Dec. 2023
  34. ISSN: (P) 0048-7325 (e) 2454-7026, DOI: rjpsss.2023v49i02.32.
  35. Rawat, D.S., Das, D.S., Dash, S. S., Dhingra, G.K., &Kuriyal, S.K. (2023). Botanical Expedition in Indian Western Himalaya: A case study from the Valley of Flowers National Park. Annals of Science and Allied Research, 1, 69–78.
  36. Rawat, S., Khanduri, P., Rawat, D. S., Kuriyal, S. K., & Dhingra, G. K. (2024). Trends of Kafal tree resources utilization in Garhwal Himalaya: Decadal dynamics from 1985 to the present. Annals of Science and Allied Research, 2(1), 66–75.
  37. Dhingra, G. K., Rawat, D. S., &Kuriyal, S. K. (2024). The vanishing tradition: God's tree cultural practice on the verge of extinction in Uttarakhand Hills. In: M. Rani, & M. Uniyal, (Eds.), Traditional Knowledge System of Uttarakhand (pp. 1-8). Pacific Books International, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-92469-84-8.
  38. Sangeeta Mishra,प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य में राष्ट्रबोध, श्री जयराम आश्रम, 46-49, 2024, ISSN-0975-8739.
  39. Arjun Singh, Critically Analysis of the Military health and sanitary reforms of 863-64; with Special reference to Chakarata Cantonment, Anusandhitsa: Journal of Arts, Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, 2023.
  40. Arjun Singh, x<+okyfgeky; esa “kgjhdj.k ds ioZrh; Nkofu;ksa dk ,sfrgkfld v/;;u, iwoZnsok] lkekftdfoKku “kks/k if=dk] 2024] ISSN 0974-1100
  41. Niteesh Kumar, Harendra Kumar, Dipa Sharma, “ Hybrid fuzzy clustering technique to enhance the performance based on a fusion of intuitionistic modified fuzzy c-means and improved genetic algorithm” in International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, December 2023.
  42. Gurmeet Singh, Gourav Saini, Paras Uchat, Dipa Sharma and Chatinder Kaur, “Socond Hankel Inequality for certain subclass of classes of starlike and convex functions” in Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis,ISSN-1074-133X,Vol 31,no6s(2024).
  43. Meena Joshi, Anita Tomar, On Set-valued Fixed Points, its Geometry and Solution of Boundary Value Problem for a Differential Inclusion, Indian J Pure Appl Math, 22, 2024.
  44. Dhirendra Singh and Anita Tomar, A Note on Summability of Derived Series of Fourier Series, J. Mountain Res. 43 Vol. 19(1), (2024), 433-440.
  45. Aadil Mushtaq, K. Moinuddin, N. Sharma and Anita Tomar, Asymptotic behavior of G − Cr Iteration algorithm and application to common zeros of accretive Operators, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math., 69(02) 2024, 399-413.
  46. Khairul Alam, YumnamRohen, Anita Tomar, On fixed point and its application to the spread of infectious diseases model in Mbv −metric space. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 47(7), 2024, 6489-6503.
  47. Anita Tomar, U.S.Rana and Vipul Kumar, Fixed point, its geometry and application via ω-interpolative contraction of Suzuki type mapping, Methods Appl. Sci. 47(5), 2024,3507–3528.
  48. Swati Antal, Nihal Ozgur, Anita Tomar, Krzysztof Gdawiec, "Fractal Generation via Generalized Fibonacci-Mann Iteration with s-convexity", Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. (2024),
  49. Shivam Rawat, Darshana Prajapati, Anita Tomar, and Krzysztof Gdawiec, Generation of Mandelbrot and Julia sets as fractals for generalized rational maps using SP-iteration process equipped with s-convexity, Math. Simulation, 220 (2024) 148–169.
  50. K. P. Chaudhary, The Role of Regional Parties in Coalition Politics in India The Academic: An Online Refereed Journal, 2583-973X, 2024.
  51. K. P. Chaudhary, भारतकीचुनावप्रणालीमेंनोटाकीभूमिकाकाअध्ययन, Printing Area: Refereed Journal, 2394-5303, 2024.
  52. K. P. Chaudhary, सामाजिकन्यायऔरडॉ. भीमरावअम्बेडकर :एकसमीक्षात्मकअध्ययन, Gurukul InternationalResearch Journal, 2394-8426, 2024.
  53. K. P. Chaudhary, भारतकीचुनावप्रणालीमेंनोटाकेमुख्यप्रावधानोंकाविश्लेषण, Printing Area: Refereed Journal, 2394-5303, 2024.
  54. Vandana Bhandari, Empowering Hill Women through Promotion of Aipan Designs’ Based Textile Articles, Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 124-132, 2023.
  55. Vandana Bhandari, Traditional folk art Aipan, Textile Designing and Women Empowerment, mRrjk[kaMjkT; ,oaefgykl”kfDrdj.k, Book chapter in. Avichal Prakashan, Nainital 153-163, 2023
  56. Vandana Bhandari, Plant Based Colorants: Isolation and Application Plant Biomass Derived Material: Sources and Application. Wiley-VCH GmbH Publication, 159-188, 2024.
  57. Vandana Bhandari, Functionalization of Cotton Fabric with Metallic Nanoparticles and Madder Root Dye, Journal of Cotton Research Development, Cotton Research Development Association, CCS HAU, Hisar 101-110, 2024.
  58. Vandana Bhandari, Aipan (Folk Art of Uttarakhand): An Indigenous Source of Inspiration for Textile Designing Anusandhitsa: Journal of Arts , Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, 90-97, 2024.
  59. Gaurav Varshney and Seema Baniwal, Recent Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Reaction Kinetics: A Critical Review, Journal of Mountain Research, 19(1), 473-489, 2024.
  60. Gaurav Varshney and Anil Kumar, Implementation and Assessment of The Simple Equation Technique for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Jñānābha, 54(1), 76-82, 2024.
  61. Gaurav Varshney, A study on Indian Mathematicians and their Contributions in the Development of Mathematics, Viksit India, 2(2), 2024.
  62. Gaurav Varshney and T. K. Gupta, Mathematical Modeling in Nanotechnology- An Overview, Futuristic Trends in Chemical Material Sciences & Nano Technology, Vol.3, 176-209, 2024.
  63. Gaurav Varshney et. al., The analytical study of double diffusive convection in a rectangular enclosure bounded by porous lining with thermal radiation, Scientific Reports, 14(1), 17095, 2024.
  64. Seema Baniwal, Vibha Kumar and Shalini Rawat, Lanthanide Complexes Derived From Tetradentate Macrocyclic Ligand: Synthesis, Characterization And Antimicrobial Studies, Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023: 44-48.
  65. Rajesh Kumar, Satish Chandra, Ahmad Pervez and Praveen Kumar Sharma, DIVERSITY OF APHIDIDAE OF UTTARAKHAND, Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023: 1-12,
  66. Sanjeev Lal, G.K. Dhingra, Himani Nautiyal Vipin Chandra and Reena Shah, SURVEY OF MEDICINAL PTERIDOPHYTES PLANT DIVERSITY AND THEIR USES IN HUMAN DISEASES,17-25, Annals of Science and Allied Research,Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023: 1-12,
  67. NoorinSaifi, Ahmad Pervez, Deepa Arya and Mamtesh Kumari, SPOTLIGHT ON THE AGRIPRENEURIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF INSECTS IN INDIA, 38-43, Annals of Science and Allied Research,Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023:
  68. Deepa Arya, Ahmad Pervez, NoorinSaifi and Mamtesh Kumari, OVERVIEW OF THE REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR AND DEVELOPMENT OF APHIDOPHAGOUS LADYBIRD BEETLES, 55-63, Annals of Science and Allied Research,Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  69. D. Pandey, INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN CYANOBACTERIA (BLUE-GREEN ALGAE), 64-68, Annals of Science and Allied Research,Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  70. Dinesh Singh Rawat, Deep Shekhar Das, Sudhansu Sekhar Dash, Gulshan Kumar Dhingra &Suniti Kumar Kuriyal, BOTANICAL EXPEDITION IN INDIAN WESTERN HIMALAYA: A CASE STUDY FROM THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS NATIONAL PARK, 69-78, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  71. Ajendra Singh Bagri, Vinay Rawat, Hardeep Singh, Jaffer Hussain, Eja Gloch, Shikha Arya, Gulshan Kumar Dhingra, POPULATION STRUCTURE AND REGENERATION PATTERN OF TREE SPECIES ALONG THE ALTITUDINAL GRADIENT IN A TEMPERATE FOREST OF WESTERN HIMALAYA, UTTARAKHAND, INDIA, 81-96, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  72. Kumud Pandey, A STATISTICAL STUDY OF SUNSPOT CYCLES, 108-115, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  73. Shalini Rawat and Seema Baniwal, A REVIEW ON WORLD’S POTENTIAL ANTI-MALARIAL PLANTS AND THEIR PHYTOCHEMICALS, 116-123, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  74. SmitaBadolaBudakoti, A REVIEW ON DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN INLAND FISHERIES OF INDIA, 153-162, Annals of Science and Allied Research, Vol. 1 (1) December, 2023,
  75. Rashmi Kala and V.D. Pandey (2023) Assessment of epilithic cyanobacterial colonization of ancient temples of Garhwal region, Uttarakhand, India. Plant Archives23(2): 60-70; ISSN:0972-5210; e-ISSN:2581-6063.
  76. Rashmi Kala and V. D. Pandey (2023) Proline in epilithic cyanobacterial crusts from stone temples of Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. Biochemical and Cellular Archives23 (2): 1209-1215.; ISSN: 0972-5075; e-ISSN: 0976-1772.
  77. Rashmi Kala and V.D. Pandey (2023). Cyanobacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances and their role in Biodeterioration of Temples and Monuments. Journal of Mountain Research.18(2): 173-180; ISSN: 0974-3030, e-ISSN: 2582-5011.
  78. D. Pandey (2023) Influence of temperature on alkaline phosphatase activity in cyanobacteria (blue green algae). Annals of Science and Allied Research1(1): 64-68.
  79. D. Pandey (2024). Cyanobacteria in environmental and agricultural sustainability. In: Climate Change Issues and Challenges (Eds. D.C. Goswami, Aruna P. Sutradhar and Anil Pal). Samaya Sakshya, Dehradun; ISBN: 978-81-19743-11-7.
  80. Rawat, D.S., Das, D.S., Dash, S. S., Dhingra, G.K., &Kuriyal, S.K. (2023). Botanical Expedition in Indian Western Himalaya: A case study from the Valley of Flowers National Park. Annals of Science and Allied Research, 1, 69–78.
  81. Rawat, S., Khanduri, P., Rawat, D. S., Kuriyal, S. K., & Dhingra, G. K. (2024). Trends of Kafal tree resources utilization in Garhwal Himalaya: Decadal dynamics from 1985 to the present. Annals of Science and Allied Research, 2(1), 66–75.
  82. B. Tripathy, ICT RELATED THEORIES AND MODELS- A LITERATURE REVIEW, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews- A peer reviewed Referred Journal approved by UGC bearing the number 43602 (19).
  83. B. Tripathy, PERSONAL VALUES OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF PARENTAL BEHAVIOUR, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews- A peer reviewed Referred Journal approved by UGC bearing the number 43602 (19).
  84. B. Tripathy, SUSTAINING AN EXPLOITED WORKFORCE THROUGH EDUCATION FOR KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN ECONOMY, ADHIGAM- A UGC CARE List peer reviewed Referred Journal of UGC published by State Institute of Education, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
  85. B. Tripathy, अनुभवआधारितशिक्षण, बाजारकीसाम्प्रतिकअपेक्षाएंऔरयुवाबर्गमेंकौशलविकास: नवीनशिक्षानीति२०२०केसन्दर्भमें, ADHIGAM- A UGC CARE List peer reviewed Referred Journal of UGC published by State Institute of Education, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
  86. B. Tripathy, “Metacognition- A Strategy for Developing Self- regulatory Mechanisms”, International Education and Research Journal.
  87. B. Tripathy, “Bringing Women Empowerment through the Impact of Skill Development” on International Education and Research Journal.
  88. P. Sati and M.S. Rawat. Types, Potentitals and Implications of Tourism in Central Himalaya: A Review. Journal of Academic Tourism Studies. 2024, VOL. 5, NO. 1, 117-128

Book Published

  1. Seema, Organic Chemistry, P-II, Sem-V, Pragati Prakashan, ISBN-978-93-5854-706-1, 2024.
  2. Seema, Organic Reaction Mechanism, IBJ Publishers & Distributers, ISBN-978-93-82876-86-1, 2023.
  3. Seema, General Chemistry, Chemistry-III, Pragati Prakashan, ISBN-978-93-5854-054-3, 2023.
  4. Seema, Fundamentals of Chemistry-2nd Sem, Pragati Prakashan, ISBN-978-81-19067-69-5,2023.
  5. Seema, Fundamentals of Chemistry-1st Sem, Pragati Prakashan, ISBN-978-93-5531-702-5,2022.
  6. Shalini Rawat, Preeti Khanduri, Text Book Environmental Education, for Under graduate students, CRDEEP Publications, Dehradun, ISBN: 978-81-964972-6-2, pp1-168, March 2024.
  7. Mukti Nath Yadav, Sahitya Aur Swasthyay, In Book “ Fit India Holistic Health Care for Quality Life ” (2021) ISBN No. 978-81-7844-365-2 , K.K. Publications, Daryaganj, New Delhi, PP. 304.
  8. Mukti Nath Yadav, Samkalin Hindi MahilaUpanyason Men Samajik Aur Rajnitik Chetana (2021) ISBN- 978-93-80347-25-7, LokmitraPrakashan] Delhi- 110032.
  9. Mukti Nath Yadav, Garhwali Bhasha AvamSanskriti(2023), ISBN-978-93-80347-44-8, Lokmitra Prakashan] Delhi- 110032
  10. Mukti Nath Yadav, ParyavaranAddhayan Aur Mulya Shiksha (2023) 978-93-80347-59-2, LokmitraPrakashan] Delhi, 110032
  11. Anita Tomar and Sudheer Petwal, Complex Analysis, Pragati Prakashan, 2024. ISBN: 978-93-5854-304-9 .
  12. N. Chatterjee, Anita Tomar and Sudheer Petwal, Ring Theory, Pragati Prakashan, 2023. ISBN: 978-93-5854-839-6 .
  13. Anita Tomar and Sudheer Petwal, Ring Theory, Pragati Prakashan, 2023
  14. Anita Tomar and Sudheer Petwal , Group Theory, Pragati Prakashan,2023
  15. Anita Tomar, Sudheer Petwal, and K.C. Yadav ‘Trigonometry’, Pragati Prakashan, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-5531-733-9.
  16. Anita Tomar and Sudheer Petwal, ‘Differential Calculus’, Pragati Prakashan, 2022. ISBN:978-93-5531-718-6.
  17. Anita Tomar, Sudheer Petwal, and K.C. Yadav, ‘Matrices’, Pragati Prakashan, 2022.ISBN: 978-93-5531730-8.
  18. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of MATRIX, TRIGONOMETRY, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2022, ISBN 978-93-95562-04-9.
  19. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of GROUP THEORY, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2023, ISBN 978- 93-95562-76-8.
  20. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of INTEGRAL CALCULUS, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2023, ISBN 978-93-95562-42-3.
  21. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of VECTOR ANALYSIS, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2023, ISBN 978-93-95562-39-3.
  22. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2023, ISBN 978-93-95562-74-4.
  23. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of ABSTRACT ALGEBRA AND RING THEORY, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2023, ISBN 978-93-95562-97-3.
  24. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of REAL ANALYSIS, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2024, ISBN 978-81-19583-42-3.
  25. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of COMPLEX ANALYSIS, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2024, ISBN 978-81-19583-15-7.
  26. Gaurav Varshney, A Text Book of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, S.J. Publication, Meerut, 2024, ISBN 978-93-95562-05-8.

Details of Award/Recognition

  1. K. P. Chaudhary, LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, by Novel Research Academy, Puducherry
  2. D. Pandey, Research Project in subject Botany awarded under CM Higher Education Research Promotion Scheme.
  3. Shalini Rawat, Invited Talk in One day National e-conference by Department of Botany on LareShankarraoGutteGramin Art, Commerce and science College, Dharamapuri on “Pesticidal impact on Environment and Benefits of Organic farming”, 9 April 2022.
  4. Shalini Rawat, chaired a technical session in International Conference on Advancement of Physical Sciences: Promoting Societal Welfare, Sustainable Development and NEP-2020” organized by Pt. LMS campus, Rishikesh SDSUV on15-16 September 2023.
  5. Shalini Rawat, awarded for “Outstanding Teacher Award” by PLANTICA on occasion of 6th Plant Science Researchers Meet (PSRM) 2023-2024 on 11-12 March 2024 at Geeta University, Panipat
  6. Shalini Rawat, awarded for “Excellence in Teaching, Training and Research 2024” on Two days National workshop cum Conference organised by Department of MLT, Research Development Cell, SDSUV, Rishikesh Campus in Collaboration with DNA Labs-A centre for Applied sciences, Dehradun, on 26th April 2024.
  7. Gaurav Varshney nominated by Hon’ble Governor of Uttarakhand as Member of Executive Council of Soban Singh Jeena University Almora Uttarakhand on 14 September 2021.
  8. Gaurav Varshney received Award (Kavya Arunodita) by Bhartiya Sahitya Sangam on February 09,2022 for special contribution in Literature and social Service.
  9. Gaurav Varshney delivered an Invited Talk in National Webinar “Mahendranath Dutta Memorial Lecture” organized by Department of Mathematics, Suri Vidyasagar College, Birbhum, West Bengal on July 15, 2021.
  10. Gaurav Varshney delivered an Invited Talk in National Webinar on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Application in Computer Science organized by Govt. P.G. College Damoh, M.P. on September 13-14, 2021.
  11. Gaurav Varshney Chaired a technical Session for Paper Presentation in International Conference on Mathematical Sciences ICMS-2021, organized by S.V. National Institute of Technology Surat on October 07- 09, 2021.
  12. Gaurav Varshney delivered Guest Lecture on Scope and Development in Mathematics in Bajaj Science Education Center, Wardha Maharashtra on January 02, 2023.
  13. Gaurav Varshney delivered a Keynote Lecture in Symposium on Mathematical Modeling organized by Bajaj College of Science Wardha Maharashtra (Autonomous) on January 02, 2023.
  14. Gaurav Varshney delivered an Invited Talk in International Conference on Emerging Trends in STEM & Health – Agri Sciences for Sustainable Development MIET KumaonHaldwani During March 11-12, 2024.
  15. Gaurav Varshney Nominated as Member and Subject Expert on the Board of Studies in Mathematics of Bajaj Science College of Science (Autonomous College), Wardha, Maharashtra on July 28, 2023 for the term of three years.
  16. Gaurav Varshney Received Devbhumi Education Excellence Award on 27 November, 2023 for Innovations in Higher Education and Research by Amar Ujala, in collaboration with MIET Kumaon and ACIC Devbhumi Foundation. Award given by Chief Guest Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami ji.
  17. Gaurav Varshney is organizing chair of 4th Int. Conf. on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics organized by Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University at Pt. L.M.S. Campus Rishikesh, technically sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society, India during April 20-21, 2024.
  18. Anita Tomar, “Excellence in Research Award 2023” by DivyaHimgiri, Government of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology(UCOST), USERC, ONGC, SEED, 4th Dehradun International Science and Technology Festival,6th Himalayan Educator’s Summit & Felicitation Ceremony, Oct. 29, 2023.
  19. Anita Tomar, “Chief Minister Excellence and Good Governance Award 2020-21”, Chief Minister Uttarakhand, Government of Uttarakhand, on the occasion of Good Governance Day, Dec.25, 2022.
  20. Anita Tomar, “Women Scientist Award”, Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology (UCOST), Dehradun (Uttarakhand), March 08, 2021.
  21. Anita Tomar, Nominated member of board of Governance, Sri Guru Ram Rai University,Dehradun, (Uttarakhand), India-248001, Aug. 2024.
  22. Anita Tomar, Nominated member of Board of Governance, Himalayiya University, Fatehpur Tanda, Jeevanwala (Dehradun-Haridwar National Highway), PO-Doiwala, Dehradun (Uttarakhand), India-248140.
  23. Anita Tomar, Exploring Applications of Fixed Points Across Disciplines, International Symposium on Recent Progress in Fixed Point Theory, Ege University, Turkey, Dec. 7, 2023
  24. Anita Tomar, Some Recent Applications of Fixed Points and Fixed Figures, 23rd International Pure Mathematics Conference 2023 on Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry (IPMC-2023), Islamabad (Pakistan), Aug 26-28, 2023.
  25. Anita Tomar, Some Applications of Existence of Fixed Points in Nonlinear Science, an invited talk delivered in International Conference on Nonlinear Sciences and Complexity (ICNSC-2023) Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey, July 10-15, 2023.
  26. Anita Tomar, Some Applications of Unique and Nonunique Fixed Points, an invited talk delivered in Third International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences (AMNS-2023) organized by Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) in collaboration with Tribhuvan University (TU) and Kathmandu University (KU) at Pokhara, Nepal, May 25-28, 2023.
  27. Anita Tomar, Existence of Set-valued Fixed Points, Geometry and Application, A contributory talk delivered in the International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (IWNAA 2022), Sakarya University of Applied Sciences and Sakarya University, Turkey, Oct. 12-15, 2022.
  28. Anita Tomar, Existence of Set-valued Fixed Points, Geometry and Application, A Keynote talk delivered in the 22nd International Pure Mathematics Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry 2022(22nd IPMC 2022) organized by Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) Islamabad, Advanced Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Pakistan Mathematical Society (PakMS), Aug.21-23, 2022.
  29. Anita Tomar, Application of fixed-point techniques in the exploration of fractals, A talk delivered in Generalized Functions Online Workshop, dedicated to the International Day for Women in Mathematics and the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, organized by International Association for Generalized Functions, Vienna, in collaboration with University of Vienna, and University of Novi Sad, May 12, 2022.
  30. Anita Tomar, on geometry and application of multivalued fixed points, A talk delivered in International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (IWNAA2021),University of Nisˇ Serbia, October 13-16,2021.
  31. Anita Tomar, on geometry of fixed points, An invited talk delivered in Generalized Function Online Workshop 2021, dedicated to the international day for women in mathematics and the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, organized by International Association for Generalized Functions, Vienna, in collaboration with University of Vienna, and University of Novi Sad, May 12, 2021.
  32. Anita Tomar, On geometry of nonunique fixed points of a discontinuous self-map and application , An invited talk delivered in International Conference on Analysis and its Applications-2021 (ICAA NEPAL 2021) organized by Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) in collaboration with Tribhuvan University (TU); Kathmandu University (KU); South Asian University (SAU), New Delhi, India; Association of Nepalese Mathematicians in America (ANMA) USA; Valmeeki Campus, Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU), April 9 -11, 2021.
  33. Anita Tomar,Recent Advances and Emerging Applications in Metric Fixed Point Theory, a talk delivered as a Resource Person in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on “Mathematics” organised by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (Erstwhile UGC-HRDC) GJUST, Hisar, Sept. 02 to 14, 2024.
  34. Anita Tomar, The Legacy of Banach Contraction Principle: A Hundred-Year Exploration, a talk delivered as a Resource Person in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on “Mathematics” organised by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (Erstwhile UGC-HRDC) GJUST, Hisar, Sept. 02 to 14, 2024.
  35. Anita Tomar, Fixed Point Theory: Recent Advances and Applications, an invited talk delivered in International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Computational Techniques (ICNACT-2024) organised by School of Advanced Sciences and Languages, VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh-466114, India, and Technological University of the Mixtece, Oaxaca, Mexico, Aug. 08-10, 2024.
  36. Anita Tomar, Advancements in Fixed Point Theory: Generalizations and Applications in Science and Engineering, an invited talk delivered in International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Sciences and Engineering, (ICAMSE-2024) organised by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar – 751030, Odisha, India and Co-organised by National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Jul. 25-27, 2024.
  37. Anita Tomar, Enhancing Stock Market Analysis by Integrating Fixed-Point Theory, an invited talk delivered in A Two-Day International Webinar on Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Applications Organized by Uttara Andhra Society for Mathematical Sciences (UASMS) & Mathematics Research Centre, SITAM, Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh, July 5-6, 2024.
  38. Anita Tomar, Advancements in Fixed figures: Generalizations and Applications, an invited talk delivered in the International Conference on Pure, Applied and Engineering Mathematical Sciences (ICPAEMS-2024), Andhra University Vishakhapatnam-530003, India, Mar. 30-31, 2024.
  39. Anita Tomar, "Applications of Fixed-Point Techniques" an invited talk delivered in the 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends on Sustainable Approaches in Science & Technology (ICETSAST-2024) " organised by Society for Development of Innovative Research in Science and Education, Maa Shakumbari Trust, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 24-25 February, 2024.
  40. Anita Tomar, On Existence and Applications of Fixed Points, an invited talk delivered in the International Conference on Analysis and its Applications (ICAA-2024), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India, Jan 19-21, 2024.
  41. Anita Tomar, Some Applications of Computation of Fixed Points to Applied Sciences, a Keynote talk delivered in International conference “Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences” (CCMAS-2023), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun (Uttarakhand), March 30-31, 2023.
  42. Anita Tomar, Some Applications of Fixed Points, an invited talk delivered in the 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (ICRTST-2023), Maa Shakumbari Trust, Greater Noida (U.P.) India, March 4-5, 2023.
  43. Anita Tomar, Geometry of Multivalued Fixed Points and Solution of a Differential Inclusion, an invited talk delivered in the National Conference of Mathematics and its Application in Science (NCMAS-2022), Organized by Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani (Uttarakhand), Dec. 22-23, 2022.
  44. Anita Tomar, On Existence of Multivalued Fixed Points its Geometry and Solution of Boundary Value Problem, an invited talk delivered in the International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications-2022 (ICNAA-2022) (India and Mexico) organized by Assam Don Bosco University, Sonapur, Assam, India, Technological University of the Mixtece, Oaxaca, Mexico and Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College (Autonomous), Ghatkopar, Mumbai, India, Nov. 22-23, 2022.
  45. Anita Tomar, Fixed Point or Fractals, an invited talk delivered in the 4th International Conference on Recent Scientific and Technological Trends (ICRSTT-2022), Maa Shakumbari Trust, Greater Noida (U.P.)India, April, 23 -24, 2022.
  46. Anita Tomar, Contribution of Fermat in Mathematics, an invited talk delivered in the Virtual International conference on understanding ethics values in shrinking world, Central University of Rajesthan, March 25,2022.
  47. Anita Tomar, On Fixed Point iterations and Mandelbrot sets, an invited talk delivered in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications-2022 (ICRANFAA-2022), Andhra University,Visakhapatnam-530 003, A. P. India, Jan. 29-30, 2022.
  48. Anita Tomar, Geometry and Applications of Nonunique fixed points, Virtual Expert Lecture delivered, Government Arts and Science College, Ratlam (M.P.) (Under the aegis of MPHEQIP & Self Reliant M.P. Quality Learning Centres (QLCs)), Jan.13, 2022.
  49. Anita Tomar, On Multivalued Fixed Points, Fixed Ellipse, Fixed Hyperbola and Application, an invited talk delivered in 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Functional and Numerical Analysis (CONIAPS XXVII), School of Studies in Mathematics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, October 26-28, 2021.
  50. Anita Tomar, chaired a Technical Session in International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology (ICMAST - 2024), Jointly organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India, Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly (U.P.), and Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 30-31 August, 2024.
  51. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Computational Techniques (ICNACT-2024) organised by School of Advanced Sciences and Languages, VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh-466114, India, and Technological University of the Mixtece, Oaxaca, Mexico, Aug. 08-10, 2024.
  52. Anita Tomar, chaired a Technical Session in International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Sciences and Engineering, (ICAMSE-2024) organised by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University),Bhubaneswar – 751030, Odisha, India and Co-organised by National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Jul. 25-27, 2024.
  53. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in 4th International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing, and Data Analytics, Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal (Uttarakhand), April 20-21, 2024.
  54. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in International conference “Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences” (CCMAS-2023), Uttaranchal University, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) , March 30-31, 2023.
  55. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in Virtual International Conference on Understanding Ethics Values in Shrinking World , Central University of Rajasthan, March 25, 2022.
  56. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications-2022 (ICRANFAA-2022), Andhra University,Visakhapatnam-530 003, A. P. India, Jan. 29-30, 2022.
  57. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Functional and Numerical Analysis (CONIAPS XXVII), School of Studies in Mathematics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, October 26-28, 2021.
  58. Anita Tomar, Chaired a Technical Session in National Conference on Integrity of Mathematics in Advancement of Science, Technology and Management (IMASTM 2021), M. B. Govt. P. G. College, Haldwani (Nainital), Uttarakhand-263139, Mar. 25-26, 2021.

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Examination Scheme 2023-24